

    • Analytica 2024: Back to pre-pandemic size
      Back to its more traditional schedule in early spring, Analytical 2024 – taking place during the second week in April – almost reached pre-pandemic levels, with 1,066 exhibitors from 42 different countries booking booth spaces.  This was less than 100 shy of the 2018 number and up 20% from its immediate predecessor, which booking schedules and pandemic precautions had relegated to the month of June in 2022; and to a [...]
    • SLAS and Pittcon 2024: Growing Similarities
      The cancellation of in-person conferences during the COVID-19 pandemic led to speculations regarding the future of in-person meetings.  Would the advantages of virtual shows (such as safety, reduced cost, no need to travel, lower environmental impact) outweigh those of in-person gatherings (such as audience engagement, opportunities for face-to face networking, and exhibitors’ ability to provide hands-on experiences) lead to the demise of the latter?  Since their resumption in person last [...]
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